Реферат: Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение

Thus we may distinguish the following groups of the vocabulary (or layers):

1. Special literary-bookish words which are labeled in the dictionaries;

poetical words

poet bibl pomp emph rhе t миф библ возвыш ритор archaic words

obs arch old use old-fash уст ист nonce words

2 Common literary vocabulary - fml lit


td mk tech chem bacterial etnol спец тех

foreignisms (barbarisms) Fr It Germ фр ит .

3. Common colloquial vocabulary inf ml paзг

This three belong to the Standard English Vocabulary.

4. Special colloquial vocabulary (non-literal) belong s to the non -standard English vocabulary and fall s into subgroups:

Professionalisms naut m ed спорт .

Slang sl .

Dialectical words dial прост .

Jurgon жарг вор жарг

Vulgar вульг груб презрен derog vulgar offensive taboo

Nonce words fig humor joc.

5.Non- standard colloquial words are unstable. But it is impossible to draw a hard-&-fast line between common literary vocabulary & special literary-bookish vocabulary, because the words tend to shift from one layer to the other. The same is true of the common colloquial vocabulary which penetrates into the neutral layer & is not impervious to intru sion from the non-literary layer.

There are different degrees of bookishnes s & colloquialness: the words marked fml lit may be found bordering on neutral vocabulary or lying so far from the neutral layer as to be quite incomprehensible to the average reader. The same is true of words mar ked inf ml which may either pass into the neutral layer or linger on the fringe of the non-literary layer of the vocabulary.

The notation s l (slang) is mainly used in the English-English dictionaries ( in English and American dictionaries) & label the words according to their character & the way they function, i n the bilingual dictionaries this label is rarely used, because of its ill-defined & uncertain definition (meaning & understanding of the term).

It is necessary to mention other stylistic notations which are used to identify the emotional meanings of the words rather than usage. These are :

эмоц-усил (emotional-intensive), ирон (ironical), усил. (intensive), шут. (jocular), презр. (contemptuous), груб. (vulgar or law),paзг- груб (low colloquial), humor, derog., вежл ,ласк.

The words labeled фр, лат, AustrE, Germ, Fr are used to indicate that the word has not lost its foreign aspect or that its use is geographically limited.

The conclusion comes that bilingual as well as explanatory dictionaries should not only give definitions of words but should indicate their usage, emotional meanings & geographical limits.

But at the same time it should be mentioned that though practically in all the dictionaries the stylistical notations (labels) are presented according to the layers existed in the language, the treatment of the stylistic notations by the authors of the dictionaries differs. There is no single system of labels that would satisfy all the dictionaries & the analyses of the stylistic notations in the six dictionaries confirm it . (Appendix VII)

As it was considered already the LERD gives the styligtical notations (labels) according to the stylistic classification of the word -stock of the English Language. The ERD doesn't give any classification of the labels that are used in it And ER&RED doesn't give any classification of the labels either, All the English-English Dictionaries give the kinds of classifications of stylistical notation according to the author's treatment this stylistical phenomena.

LDELC represents the types of labels used in it in the following groups . (Apendix I)

1 . Labels showing region, denoting words which are limited to particular parts of the world.

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